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Children's Ministries.png

FCBC has several ministries to children, with over many adults and students serving as teachers, leaders, and helpers.


Nursery is available for children ages newborn to two years old for all Sunday Worship Services as well as Sunday School. Our goal of FCBC's Nursery is to provide a parent/caregiver a time to focus on God in the worship service and Sunday School by providing a safe place for their child.  We also desire to further the parent/caregiver training of their child by affirming sharing and kindness to other children. A parent/caretaker are required to sign-in and out their child. Please see a nursery worker for more information.


Sunday School Resumes on Sunday, September 8th is held Sundays at 9:45 AM during the school year, September to June. Classes are offered for all ages, including adults. Our children’s classes are divided by age, beginning with the two & three year old class to 5th grade. Our teachers are committed to Jesus Christ and to the ministry of teaching children God’s Word. They use the best Sunday school material we can find, and seek to not only teach God’s Word, but to make it practical to the lives of their students.  Please register your child on the form below.


Children’s Church meets on Sunday mornings year round, expect for the month of July, at the 11:00 am service only. This ministry is provided for children 3 years old through the 3rd grade.  Children’s Church is designed to prepare children for worship in the sanctuary by learning worship songs and growing in their understanding of God's Word. We use Truth78 curriculum, which is full of excellent resources. Children are dismissed for their own teaching time during the pastor’s message.


(Please note: These are ministry opportunities for your child(ren).  If a parent/caretaker desires to keep their child with them during the pastoral message, please do so. Our pastors love kids and welcome them in the sanctuary. Children's church and nursery provide an alternative for those desiring this option.)


Adventure Club For more information, please click here.


Junior Camp For more information, please click here.


Sunday School Registration

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