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Many of our adults belong to a fellowship group, and these groups are a priority within this church. Fellowship groups meet in various locations, at least twice a month. Some meet on Sunday, and some meet during the week.


The four purposes of the fellowship groups are:


  • Fellowship: Deep fellowship that results as we are devoted to one another in brotherly love.

  • Discipleship: Helping one another in becoming more like Christ. This includes Bible Study, praying for one another, and providing support and accountability.

  • Ownership: Taking personal responsibility for the discipling and care of the others in your fellowship group.

  • Outreach: Supporting and encouraging one another in our outreach to those who have not yet put their faith in Jesus Christ, and to Christians who do not have the support they need to be growing believers.


For more information or to get involved with a Fellowship Group

Click here and contact us.

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