A commitment to missions has been part of Faith Community Bible Church since its inception. Both home missions and foreign missions are a vital part of fulfilling our Lord’s commission to be His witnesses throughout the world (Acts 1:8).
Many missionaries and mission groups are supported by the church as a body, and many more are supported by interested individuals within the church.Those considered as “church missionaries” are as follows:
Kevin & Yulia Brubaker - Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Bart & Tiffany Carnefix – Christar's Home Office
Jim & Judy Kemp – Christian Home Ministries
Bob & Linda Miles – InFaith, Pastor at Nursing Homes and Senior Apartments
Roy & Elvia Sprague – Missionary at Large / N.W. Independent Church Extension
Operation Christmas Child:
FCBC will be filling and packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our goal this year is to send out 50 shoeboxes. Brochures and boxes are available at the information table. To view Operation Christmas Child website, please click here.
On Saturday, November 16, from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, we will have a packing party here at the church to pack up shoeboxes with donated items.
​For more information, please contact Carrie Johnson or the office.