At FCBC there are several ministries designed especially for the women of the church. Throughout the school year weekly Women’s Bible Studies are held at the church, where women enjoy studying God’s Word, sharing and prayer. Social events just for the women take place twice a year.
The FCBC Women's Ministry Team is a ministry where women serve other women & the church in areas where they are especially gifted. Opportunities for service through Women’s Ministry Team include the nursery, kitchen helps, hospitality, women's socials and so much more.
Women's Bible Studies:
Thursday Mornings - Women's Bible Study and Prayer will meet Thursday Mornings at 9:30 am. They will be studying the Minor Prophets: Nahum & Malachi. The book will cost $10.80. Please contact Betty Lager or the church office for more information.
Naomi & Friends:
This is a women's ministry focused on Widows' & Friends. Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Faith Community Bible Church's Upper Fireside Room from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. This ministry consists of women who have long life experience with lessons-learned to share but may also have some physical and transportation limits. Others of us enjoy helping with rides, and learning from more experienced saints. During a meeting, women will hear from a missionary or other guest speaker, pray together, praise God together, reading Scripture, and enjoying a meal together. To reserve a seat or find a ride, please contact Rhoda Gage.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 8th at 11:00 am
The special guest speaker will be TBD.
For more information, please contact the church office or Rhoda Gage.
Click here to see the calendar for Women's Bible Studies and events.